La Teatrista

guerillera de la cultura

Monday, May 22, 2006

That's why I don't go to the movies

Last movie I saw at a big commercial theater was Sin City. It was pretty good, visual eye candy, typical gang killer story, really captured Gaiman's world.

The Rose has been my screen of late. Which really needs some support, El Mariachi which showed late on Fred's Fest Saturday (I would have gone but by show time I was too roasted to return to my workplace).

I did see an independant short by a local filmmaker Frank Vasquez, called White Skies-beautiful!!

One day for lunch we got to see a Wonder Woman episode with pizza (Latin Arts Association perks).

800 Bullets at the Rose was brilliant, exhuberant, raucous, heroic, charming, say the least I had a blast. It is a spagetti-western spoof directed by Alex de la Iglesia, Spanish filmaker. Excellent film.

Anyway which brings me to my rant on Hollywood. I was excited about Da Vinci Code, because I love history (art and world), anthropology, mythology and code breaking and with my time spent on conspiracy theories as a high hobby I

Never read the book, I am very behind with my reading since scripts, writing, news articles, research, blogs and yes myspace consumes most of my brain space.

As a film, it was a joke! Whoever wrote the screenplay was lazy and unoriginal. I kept calling out typical dialog junk before it even came out of their mouths. I didn't believe anybody not even the ever beautiful Amalie actress who turned out to be Jesus's baby girl. Talk about baby's daddy! Tom Hanks is not a scholar!!!! Tom Hanks will always be the bosom buddy we all loved in BIG! Gimme a break, he ticked me off. Ian and Tom's argument over the Christian-Pagan-Jesus-is-only-man debate
could have been fascinating and enlightening if only the director and actors were at all believable.

As former official christian and current global-faith based humanities freak I was sickened.

With the heft of historical connections, conspiracy theories, religious symbology, I guess they wanted to make sure even the non-thinkers could get something out of it. Typical hollywood, action, suspense bullshit...ugh.

I was disgusted, not even worth a rental. The Mary Magdalene theory was interesting but the truthful chorus of "you see what you want to see" was probably the book's conscience.

There is a reason why I am not persuing a mainstream acting career, even if it means I can't make my swashbuckling pirate girl adventure with me and my girls sword fighting and swinging on ropes from boat to boat kicking manpig ass in real wench ruffly, eye-patched! Never! Not even if the new Charlie girls wanted to buy it not even if it meant reinventing the phrase
pirate booty

that is all


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